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 Events / Countries and Territories / Serbia /  Territory of  the City of  Belgrade













Svetski dan igre plakat2

Poster design by Vladimir Ljubinkovic


Svetski dan igre 2019

 Photo by Milan Kabasic



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 Photo by Marija Jacimovic







1.  when: April 21st, from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. 
2.  where: Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 94, Belgrade
3.  what: Dancing Without Borders vol. 3 - think outside the box
4.  Organizer: the Colors of Dance, Vesna Banovcanin
5.  Participants: free to participate, kids friendly
6.  Program: outdoor performance, continuing with OPEN STAGE for all. Special performance by parent-kid duos.
7.  Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address; ++381 62 8 399 560; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.














 Today, dance is considered a dominant form of communication, it surpasses linguistic, national and political boundaries…

Dance is like light, indispensable to all of us in order to grow and produce new things…
Dance is clean air we so sorely lack on this planet…
That’s why with dance we can save the planet from trash, because to dance light is to dance life..
Our body is an instrument of dance, but is also an instrument for preserving nature because the body of a dancer is simultaneously the body of the planet. This is us!
If our body, the body of a dancer, is not only part of nature, but nature itself, then let’s not allow our body to suffer violence, to suffer bruises because then nature is bruising, too.
When we save dance and the body, we have saved nature and the planet.
With dancing we create a new world which we then give away to be preserved.
To maintain/cherish dance means caring for the body, caring for nature, caring for future – we are all called for that.

Let’s all of us dance!

Svenka Savic
Novi Sad 2018






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DWB Vol. 2


1.  Sunday, April 29th, from 7.0- - 9.00 P.M.
2. Venue: NOVI PLESNI CENTAR, Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica street 94, New Belgrade
4.  Organizer - the Colors of Dance
5.  Participants - different dance schools with different dance styles
6.  Description-Program - The event is a planned as OPEN STAGE for different dance styles, different dance schools, all age categories. Everybody is welcome to dance, like NOBODY IS WATCHING.
Kid friendly.
7.  Contact details: Vesna Banovcanin Mrs., ++381 62 8 399 560, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
















Announcement of the Dance Day Celebration in Serbia

Date and time: 29.4.2017.  12 at noon, 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Adress: Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade, Takovska 8

Event: 3rd Children' International Ballet Festival

Organiser: Ballet Center ,,Ana Pflug", member 

Participants: Children and ballet students from 5 to 15 years old from 25 ballet schools and studios from Serbia and the region

Description: The festival is intended for children aged to 14 with a goal to promote, develop and nurture ballet art through meetings of pedagogues, studios and schools within the Children's Ballet Festival. The aim of the festival is to present to the audience the values of the art of classical ballet through children's expression and to make new contacts and create new ideas that will contribute to artistic creativity of children and young people.With this goal and idea in mind, we designated 29 April 2017 - International Dance Day established by the International Dance Council CID UNESCO - as the day of the Children's Ballet Festival. The establishment and realization of the First DBF in 2015 was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and CID UNESCO,  two institutions of reference for nurturing dance and children's creativity. In the programme of the first DBF there were 350 participants and students of ballet schools, centres and studios from all over Serbia, while in the Second DBF the number of participants increased to more than 500. The Third Children's Ballet Festival takes place in the organization and partnership of BC "Ana Pflug" and the Children's Cultural Centre Belgrade, two institutions of reference in Belgrade that nurture dance and children's creativity. The festival is intended for children over the age of 5 with a goal to present to the audience the values of the art of classical ballet through children's expression, and to make new contacts, ideas and friends among children, ballet pedagogues and all those who want to promote the value of ballet as an important factor in the development of the child from an early age.The director is Ana Pflug, a graduate professor of sport and a graduate ballet dancer, while the selector of the festival is Mr Konstantin Tešea, a principal dancer of the National Theatre in Belgrade.







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International Dance Day 2017

Neto Machado and Jorge Alencar (Brazil)

with Igor Koruga (Serbia)

Title of event:  DANCE LIBRARY


Station Service for contemporary dance in the frame of #StationOne residency programme for artists, researchers, theorists and producers engaged with contemporary dance and similar artistic, theoretical and activist practices

When: 28th of April, 2017 (from 6pm to 8pm)

Where: Dom kulture studentski grad, Library, Belgrade, Serbia


#     Mr. Neto Machado

Brazilian artist that works as performer/choreographer/director in the fields of dance, theater, visual arts and cinema. Neto is one of the responsible for the anual festival "IC - Arts Encounter", that happens every August in Salvador-Bahia.

#     Mr. Jorge Alencar 

envolved with performing art, audiovisual, curatorship, writing and education. Graduated in Social Communication (UCSAL) and Dance (UFBA), he has also a Master in Performing Arts (UFBA).

#     Mr. Igor Koruga

an artist working within the field of contemporary dance and choreography, applying it as a tool for interpreting socio-cultural phenomena, structures and ideologies.

Description of event: 

A performative documentation of pre-existing dance pieces, using storytelling tools. How can we document dance using choreographic resources? How can dance, with its ephemeral immateriality, choreograph its own history, understanding this process as a politically motivated act capable of going beyond "official history" and "grand narratives". How can choreography be understood as a device for documenting the experience of dance?

The library is the venue where these questions take place. Instead of books, the body is the media for Intimate stories in close contact with the audience.

Performers will be available for two hours (from 6pm to 8pm). The performance will be in English.

In collaboration with:

“Dance Library” project has been developed within the artistic residency contexts: Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart - Germany), #StationONE - Station Service for contemporary dance (Belgrade - Serbia), Graner - Centre for Creation of The Body and Movement (Barcelona - Spain) and Funarte - Fundação Nacional das Artes (Brasil).


dance library belgrade


neto jorge magacin






Celebrating by

National Theatre in Belgrade, Serbia

with participation of Belgrade Section of the CID

TITLE OF EVENT: “Choreographer Dimitrije Parlic and Serbian composers”

                                   Author - Ms. Milica Zajcev, CID member


DATE / TIME: April 29th 2017 at 6 pm

VENUE: Museum of the National Theatre in Belgrade, Serbia

DESCRIPTION: Promotion of the collection of the articles wrote by

                                Ms. Milica Zajcev during period 1989–1997                

ORGANIZER: National Theatre in Belgrade, Serbia


Mr. Dragan Stevović, director of the Museum of The National Theatre in Belgrade

 phd Ms. Jelica Stevanović, theatrologist, Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing dept. of The National Theatre in Belgrade

Ms. Ivana Milovanovic, president of  Belgrade Section of the CID


CONTACT DETAILS: Ms. Jelica Stevanovic, National Theatre in Belgrade

                                          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                          Ms. Ivana Milovanovic, Belgrade Section of the CID

                                         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Belgrade Section of the CID expresses its gratitude to National Theatre in Belgrade, Serbia for making celebration of the Dance Day 2017 possible.



Dimitrije Parlic portret


Apasionato chor. Dimitrije Parlic


KatarinaIsmailova chor. Dimitrije Parlic Visnja Djordjevic and Radomir Vucic


Ohridska legenda chor. Dimitrije Parlic







Dance without borders


Sunday, April 30th
from 7.30 - 9.30 P.M.
Sports Club Arena No 1, Jurija Gagarina street 64, New Belgrade

Organizer - the Colors of Dance
Participants - different dance schools with different dance styles
The event is a multi - workshop, where each dance school will present their style of dance with a performance, and give a short workshop of basic steps and combinations. The goal is to get more people to learn more about different styles of dance, and find their own :). Included will be: jazz dance (Fosse style), Bollywood dance, Irish national dance, oriental dance, tango, Serbian national dance, salsa, classical ballet.

Contact details: Vesna Banovcanin Mrs.
+381 62 8 399 560
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I wish to announce an event that will be realized on the occasion of the World Dance Day CID UNESCO. Info about the event are as follows: 
1.Time and date: 28/04/2016at 5pm and at 8pm 
2. Place: Children's Cultural Center, Serbia, Beograd. Street Address: Takovska 8 

3. Title: 2nd Children ballet festival 

4.Organizer: Ballet Center ,, Ana Pflug", member of CID UNESCO

5. Participants: 22 ballet schools and studios from all over Serbia. 460 performers aged 5 to 14 years. 

6. Description: This traditional festival is held each year to mark World Games CID UNESCO, in order to be on this day to focus attention on the art of classical ballet and creative dance youngest. The festival is designed for children aged 5 - 14 years and is aimed at popularization, development and nurturing of ballet ballet pedagogue through meetings, studies and schools, in order to show the public the value of classical ballet art by children's expression, and as such is supported by the Ministry of culture and information of Serbia. 

7. Contact: www.bcanapflug, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 






Date and time: April 27th 2016 at 8pm

Venue: Dečji kultruni centar, Belgrade

Title of event: Koncert irskog plesa i žive muzike “Zvuci Kelta”

Organizer: Reel Irish Dance Academy Serbia and  Marko Micic

Participants: Members of  dance troupe Celtic Rhythm and musicians

Program: Live Irish music and dance

Contact detail: Mr. Marko Micic

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Zvuci Kelta Plakat CID




Celtic Rhythm CID



Marko Micic CID 










Celebrating by


Belgrade, Serbia


Date and time:  April 26th 2016 at 7.30 pm

Venue: Terazije Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia, the only musical theatre in Serbia and in the region

Title of event:   Performance  -  “Victor Victoria” musical

                          By Blake Edwards, Henry Mancini and Leslie Bricusse

                          Directed by Mihailo Vukobratovic

With 50 % discount on ticket price.

Organizers: Belgrade Section of the CID and Terazije Thetare

Participants: Representatives of Belgrade Section and Terazije Theatre, leading actors, dancers’ singers and musicians of three ensembles of the Terazije Theatre with 12 alumni’s of 11 Countries Project (regional educational platform for musical theatre / musical) granted from 2007 with The School at Jacobs Pillow scholarships (USA)

Contact details:
Mrs. Ivana Milovanovic, Belgrade Section, president 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Mr. Branislav Cerovic, Terazije Theatre, producer
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
PR of event:
Mrs. Nadja Piale, Terazije Theatre, PR
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Belgrade Section of the CID expresses its gratitude to Terazije Theatre for making celebration of the DANCE DAY 2016 possible.


 Victor Victoria 1 

Victor Victoria 2

Victor Victoria 3 















Ms. Vera Obradovic CID member 8641









Belgrade Section of the CID UNESCO,        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ballet Centre “Ana Pflug”, CID member

DATE:  Dance Day 2015, April 29th

PLACE: Little Theatre “Dusko Radovic”, Belgrade

TIME (two concerts): at 6 pm and 8 pm

Belgrade Section of the CID-UNESCO, Ballet Centre ''Ana Pflug'' and Little Theatre

''Dusko Radovic'', all from Belgrade, represent the first Children's Ballet Festival.

The festival is intended for children aged 5 to 14 years and it is aimed at

popularization, development and nurturing of ballet art through meetings, ballet

pedagogue, studios and schools within the DBF's. This event aims to show the

audience the values of classical ballet art by children's expression and that in

these meetings create new contacts and ideas that will contribute to the artistic

creativity of young people in Serbia.

The festival is not a competition, but also offers the opportunity for the

presentation of work with children ages 5 to 14 years in the frame of ballet education, both professional and recreational level of preparation in 2015 of the total number of participation of 15 ballet schools from Serbia with over 350 little ballet dancers on the stage whose presentation is organized in two concerts.

With this unique event, organized such as this for the first time in Serbia, Belgrade Section of the CID UNESCO, along with its partners, celebrates DANCE Day 2015.


DBF 2015 7


DBF 2015 8














cover page of dance magazine Orchestra



International Dance Day CID UNESCO 2014

celebrated by Terazije Theatre and Orchestra dance magazine

Belgrade, Serbia      


Date and time of the events:  Tuesday, April 29th, 2014, 12.00 AM and 08.00 PM

Venue: Terazije Theatre / Pozorište na Terazijama Trg Nikole Pašića 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


Title of events:

- Jubilee – “Marking of 20 years since founding of the Orchestra  dance magazine ”, produced by Ivana  Milovanović, founder and editor-in-chief and Terazije Theatre

- Musical “Zorba the Greek” by Mikis Theodorakis , performed by soloists and ensemble of Terazije Theatre, only theater for musicals  in Serbia and the region

Organizers: Ivana Milovanović and Terazije Theatre, with creative team.


Representatives of Terazije Theatre and  Association of Ballet Artists of Serbia,  three previous editors- in -chief: Mrs. Minja Katić Šerban,  Mrs. Milica Zajcev and Mrs. Marija Janković and Mrs. Ivana Milovanović, founder and editor-in-chief from 2003

Leading actors, singers, dancers and ensemble of Terazije Theatre, 13 alumni’s  of 11 Countries Project, regional educational platform in the field of musical theatre/ musical) granted from 2007 with The Jacobs Pillow Summer School scholarship (USA)


Jubilee –“Marking of 20 years since founding of the Orchestra dance magazine” . Press conference. Review on the work and publication of the Orchestra dance magazine in the past 20 years. Power Point presentation of new web site of the Orchestra dance magazine  and its digital archive of all editions till today (1995-2014). Presentation of the newest dance magazine edition No. 59/62. Discussion about the current situation in the dance scene in Serbia and the region.

Performance - musical “Zorbas the Greek” (ticket price discount 50%)

Contact details:

Ivana Milovanović, event producer, founder of Orchestra dance magazine

Cell.: +381 69 20 220 92

Mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: Kapetana Radića Petrovića 5, Zemun, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

PR of event: 

Ana Halas

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Terazije Theatre - Musica Zorba the Greek








Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

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